ALT Assembly Online Meeting

The ALT Assembly meets regularly online and also holds annual face-to-face meetings, usually at ALT's Annual Conference each September.

Agenda: Assembly meetings actively contribute to ALT's current strategic priorities, focused on consulting you, our active Members, on new developments. Thus each meeting will be chaired by a Trustee and focus on a specific theme or topic. Members and Special Interest Groups will be invited to share updates from their groups.

12:30 Welcome from the Chair (Natalie Lafferty) and today's agenda

12.35 ALT news and updates

12.40 Hot topics and burning issues - tell us what's on your mind

12.45 Member Group and Special Interest Group updates

  • Independent Consultancy SIG

12.50 Launching a review of our Framework for Ethical Learning Technology (FELT)

13.20 AOB 

13.25 Next meeting and close

The meeting will run in Blackboard Collaborate Ultra. If you have not used Collaborate Ultra before, it may be helpful to consult our webinar FAQs at

If you have any specific questions about the ALT Assembly please contact

23 Jan 2025 from 12:30 PM to  1:30 PM
United Kingdom