*ALT 2008 Learning Technologist of the Year Award* Answers to questions about the award received by 9.00 on 14 April 2008. _____________________________________________________________________ Q1. Are submissions from individuals and teams based in ALT member organisations limited to one per institution or could there be more than one? A1. There is no limit to the number of individuals who apply for the award from a single ALT member organisation. No more than one team application per member organisation will be accepted. In case of difficulty, check with ALT via lt2008@alt.ac.uk. _____________________________________________________________________ Q2. I am at XYZ University and my co-worker is at ABC University. Are we eligible to apply? A2. If both of you are individual members of ALT, or if both your Universities are organisational members of ALT on the date we receive your application, then yes. There is a current list of sponsoring and organisational members of ALT at http://www.alt.ac.uk/corporate_members.php . Details of how to join ALT are at http://www.alt.ac.uk/membership_join.html . _____________________________________________________________________ Q3. For a team application, how should we decide what aspects of the team's work to pitch for? A3. It will be important to: i) define the team carefully and individuals' roles within it; ii) concentrate your application on the work of that defined team, focusing with care in Sections 6A to 6D of the application form and on the 4 criteria against which the award will be judged. _____________________________________________________________________ Q4. What if we want to incorporate details of "products" we have produced? A4. You are restricted to 200 words in Section 5 of the application form, and 400 word in each of Sections 6A to 6D of the application form. If you decide to incorporate "products", or other assets in your application, you will have to do this by means of URLs in Sections 6A to 6D. [A URL, and any associated login code, will count as one word.] We advise you to be sparing and considered in any use you make of URLs, noting that extensive use of URLs is likely to be confusing and possibly off-putting for the judges, and to distract them from the core of your application, which is the words you use on the form itself. _____________________________________________________________________ Q5. Can we include tables within our application? A5. Yes, in Sections 6A to 6D, provided you do not exceed the word- limit. _____________________________________________________________________ In case of difficulty, email lt2008@alt.ac.uk and we will do our best to help. [Last updated by Seb Schmoller, 17/4/2008]