*A* MSC call - 10/3/2007 - closing date 23/3/2007 Call for expressions of interest in membership of the ALT Membership Services Committee (MSC) This is a call for expressions of interest in serving on the committee for a three year period from May 2007. We have 1 vacancy for membership, and we are looking to appoint someone from Further, Adult, Work-based Learning and/or from the Commercial Sector. The purpose of the MSC is to oversee all of ALT's services to individual members and to organisational members, within a framework provided by: * the ALT Strategy; * policies decided from time to time by the Central Executive Committee; * the ALT budget. The full Terms of Reference of MSC are included at the end of this email. Like other ALT committees MSC meets three times per year, with one of these meetings normally conducted by telephone conference. For members who require it, ALT will reimburse travel and reasonable out-of-pocket expenses. If you are interested in serving on the committee (for a maximum initial term of 3 years) please send an expression of interest (as a plain text email, rather than as an attachment) to Marion Samler, ALT Operations Manager (msamler@brookes.ac.uk), by no later than 17.00 GMT on Friday 23 March 2007. All expressions of interest will be acknowledged. When expressing an interest, please briefly respond under the following 3 headings: 1. Your current involvement in learning technology. 2. Your work or other responsibilities. 3. Why you are interested in membership of the Membership Services Committee. -- Terms of Reference for the ALT Membership Services Committee (MSC) Purpose 1. To oversee all of ALT's services to individual members and to organisational members, within a framework provided by: * the ALT Strategy; * policies decided from time to time by the Central Executive Committee; * the ALT budget. Functions 1. To frame a membership services budget, for which the budget holder will be the committee chair. 2. To advise and be advised by ALT's other committees on matters pertaining to ALT's membership services. 3. To take decisions on any matter delegated to it by the Central Executive Committee. 4. To maintain and develop ALT's "Overviews for Members" (which describe our main membership services and the sort of support ALT expects from its members). 5. To make recommendations to the Central Executive Committee on, inter alia: * subscription levels; * new initiatives; * rules and policies pertaining to membership benefits and entitlements; * the establishment and disestablishment of Special Interest Groups; * review membership retention levels for all categories of membership; * the creation of new categories of membership. 6. Supported and advised by the ALT staff team to give shape to a rolling programme of events, including conferences and workshops, for example: * the continued development of the Spring Conference; * the development of one-day events and national events in partnership with other organisations; * events to support CMALT. 7. Supported and advised by the ALT staff team, to: * evaluate ALT's membership services; * conduct regular surveys of the membership, and to make recommendations based on the results of these; * organise the recruitment of individual members and organisational members; * engage individual members in the work of ALT; * approve policies and plans pertaining to the development of the ALT web site and other online services provided by ALT; * develop the CMALT scheme. Definition of services For the avoidance of doubt services shall be taken to include membership benefits and entitlements with the exception of: * ALT publications (which are the responsibility of the Publications Committee); * the ALT annual conference, for which the ALT-C Programme Executive Committee (on which the Membership Services Committee will be represented ex-officio by its Chair and Vice Chair) is responsible to the Central Executive Committee; * benefits and entitlements for organisations that sponsor ALT, whether or not these are members (which are the responsibility of the Central Executive Committee); * benefits and entitlements for Honorary Life Members (which are the responsibility of the Central Executive Committee). [Final version. Approved by the ALT Central Executive Committee on 1/2/2006] --------------------------